Antimicrobial reduction in piglets Antimicrobial reduction in piglets

Antimicrobial reduction in piglets

We know you strive for responsible production – and antimicrobial reduction (AMR) is an important part of this.

Dietary measures aimed at preventing exposure to pathogens, supporting the animal’s defence system and achieving stability in the gastrointestinal tract can help. Gastrointestinal infection is one of the most common reasons for the use of antibiotic growth promoters, preventive or curative antibiotics, and mostly affects suckling piglets and nursery pigs.

To support our customers in this transition, we have developed a fully integrated AMR programme based on feed, farm and health management and a step-by-step approach to achieve targets without any compromises.

How to recognise AMR

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is the number one global public health issue of our time, affecting both human and animal health. It occurs when a microorganism becomes resistant to antibiotics that were originally effective in treating infections it caused. The number of human deaths as a result of antimicrobial resistance is rising. In addition to the human threat, animal producers around the world experience the consequences of less effective treatment possibilities and the resultant increased mortality rate and low feed efficiency. Trouw Nutrition’s aim is to find new methods that substantially reduce reliance on antibiotics and improve the health, efficiency and productivity of animals.

The impact on the farmer

Sudden changes in feed composition and factors such as heat stress may pose a threat to the GIT, due to destabilisation of the microbiota and alteration of barrier functions and immune responses. In antibiotic-free production environments, the primary need is to prevent dysbiosis, or imbalance of microorganisms, in the GIT and optimise the pig’s mucosal defence functions. When a disease does not respond to the antibiotic treatment used as the last resort, the economic loss is huge for current and subsequent flocks, a result of reduced performance, lower health status of the animals and increased costs for medication.

The future

Effective January 2022, new regulations will ban pharmaceutical levels of zinc in the EU. Pharmaceutical doses of zinc are currently used in nursery pigs to reduce post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) and improve performance. Environmental and human health concerns are key factors driving these legislation changes. What challenges do these restrictions pose for pig producers striving to support herd health and productivity? Trouw Nutrition helps animal producers maintain or even enhance farm productivity and profitability without the use of antimicrobials with our Young Animal Feed programme. Our focus is on overcoming the immunity gap around weaning, while safeguarding vital nutrients for health and development. The results are reduced reliance on antibiotics and improved efficiency and productivity of animal health.

Our offering in antimicrobial reduction

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